
Riverbend Farms

Can you hear the whine?
Please read with a Southern drawl accent: "Hey Haley! Watch these fish! Their eating my spit!"
It's so funny listening to little Brittany talk!(this is exactly what she said too.)Coming out from the coolest slide in the world. It was made out of big plastic pipe coming down from the silo they no longer use. It was fast and fun!
The " playground," Riverbend style.

Lazy Five Ranch

The kids that attended the Lazy Five Field Trip

Lazy Five Ranch

Feeding the giraffes was our favorite!!
Jordan would've been fine if I'd left him there!
Jackson was more of the nervous one.
Meghan and Haley shared their bucket and were able to pet him too.
These kids disobeyed the instructions to not touch the zebras. They are lucky they didn't lose a few fingers or get a bite taken out of their hand as they had happen to one kid that didn't listen.