pictures don't do justice for the amazing grandure of mt.rushmore. it's not just how awesome it looks, but the immensely interesting history of the entire thing and process. if you appreciate history, it's truly amazing.

all 4 of the kids were very excited about being there and they learned a ton. they participated in the mt. rushmore junior ranger program and haley and jackson especially learned alot. some of the questions were pretty hard and dell and i even had a hard time answering a few. it was quite hilarious hearing jacob, 3, exclaiming over "jor washington," the entire time we were there and for the remainder of the vacation.

we walked the different paths around the park for different views.....each of them equally breathtaking. haley, at one point while the boys were gone taking a bathroom break, let out a huge sigh and exclaimed, and I quote," this could never get old looking at this! it is amazing the talent of the artist that sculpted this! and they really all look exactly as their pictures look like in books!!" haley is very artistic and this was inspiring so much to her and jackson as well. so much so that every evening back at the campsite, they were chiseling away at rock they had found, attempting to make a "mini mt. rushmore" of their own that they could take home. it was so rewarding to see them learning about history and loving it and being inspired..... i really wish it were possible to take a year and just travel around America and educate them in this fashion. it would be so cool!

another view from a cave, especially enjoyed by the boys. every angle is beautiful and detailed. it is truly amazing. gutzon borglum, the designer and sculptor of rushmore, has a quote that i have hung in the schoolroom. (the kids loved learning about him as well.) " don't say, " i can't."-on this work- the "i can'ts" are unknown in the world's work and unremembered in history."
there are so many ways this can be applied in life and seen throughout history....we read about the struggle of the wright brothers as well, while we were gone, and even after they had succeeded in flight were still ridiculed and not believed about their amazing and successful invention for quite a while. starting when they were very young children, they kept trying, at times they failed, at times they succeeded....one thing they didn't do was give up. the Bible is full of accounts of saints who didn't give up as well. one of my favorites is the study of queen esther. even facing the possibility of death by approaching her own husband, the king, uninvited, she chose her words and actions wisely, and found favor in each instance and in the end, was instrumental in saving her people. (sorry for that random run on thought :)

here they are pretending to be chased by a stampede of buffalo. we all had a great day at mt. rushmore. we went back our last evening in rapid city for the nightime ceremony, but i'll save that excitement for another post.