
Exploring camp

We've been outside everyday since we've been here. It's a beautiful time of year. Not too cold and its the time before it all melts and makes a muddy mess. We've had alot of fun exploring the different and interesting places here at camp. We were walking on the lake yesterday evening and saw either bobcat,lynx or mountain lion tracks along with a multitude of other ones. The kids and I haven't looked up the track online yet but it's been interesting to see all the different animal tracks there are in our yard and around camp and try to guess what they are.
The sun reflects so brightly off the snow and its just beautiful. I love being in the midst of such beautiful creation.

Our Home at Honeyrock

Here is a couple pics of our house here at camp. We are in the middle of camp and the kids are loving it so far. The broomball court, rink, rockclimbing and one of the tubing hills are right out our door.
Dell walks up the this path to go to work and we have been enjoying the closeness to him. He even talked me into coming to make french bread for him in the lodge kitchen a few days ago while the little kids napped and the big ones watched a movie.( We have walkie talkies and can talk back and forth. ) It worked out well and it helped him out alot.

You might be a redneck if.............

.....your youngest(and last)
childs 2nd birthday consists
of a ham sandwhich and coffee crisp
chocolate bar at 8:30 at night :)
We had just arrived at Honeyrock after 2 days of traveling in terrible weather: it was -3 and we were all so.. tired but you gotta do what you gotta do. Needless to say we had a really good laugh about it all and will make for a good story to tell about him.
I really don't know why we didn't celebrate his birthday over breakfast at Cracker Barrel when he had a pancake with whip cream on it! I guess the thought didn't cross my mind in all the chaos.