" God is a perfect All; the creature a poor nothing, and I return to that which I've recognized as the best and productive of the greatest peace of mind~ that is, forgetting myself as much as I can and continuing to live simply in the grace of God. O Lord, confirm us in this resignation of ourselves, and that all that is within us may sing with thine handmaid Hannah,"There is none holy but the Lord, for besides Him there is none else." 1 Sam.2:2 Amen"
"If the life of a man or woman on earth is to bear the fragrance of heaven, the winds of God must blow on that life,winds that are not always balmy from the south, but fierce winds that chill the very marrow."
These notes my Dad penned from his heart and I long to have that obedient and submissive spirit and heart toward the Lord and His will.
He is worthy and O that we could let go of our perspective and get His. I want to be able to say,"Lord, bring the fierce wind if its your will for You are my All and there is none else."
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Beautiful little family
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