He's always moving and that makes homeschooling all the more interesting.
But the reason for this post is to tell you about todays "words of the day" by Jackson.
He was reviewing question and exclamation marks. I guess I've never pointed to one and asked him its name. Well, today I did, and here are the answers.
"Jackson, what is this mark and how are you supposed to read when you see it?"
"It's a questionmation mark and you're askin' a question." (question mark)
I'm laughing but explain the real name and move on.
"So, what's this mark and how do you read when you see this one?"
"It's a collectionmation mark and I don't know." (exclamation)
Now I can hardly breath cause I'm laughing so hard. Maybe its one of those"got to be there"things, but it was hilarious to Haley and I, and I knew at least Dad would appreciate it.
He's a funny guy and makes me laugh alot but this can't- stay- still business can get a bit on my nerves. He can stay still in church, but I guess his view out the kitchen window is just calling him to get out there and go wild.......................... imagine that!
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