
What's The Deal?

What is it with my kids' fascination and abounding joy they get from eating snow? I remember eating snow as a kid but not in mass quantities like these children do. I have found that lately, I've stopped telling them to stop eating it. I think this would be a never ending battle if I chose to pick it as one. But I choose not to. My kids are very healthy, rarely sick,(has there really ever been any documented case proving snow can actually make you physically ill? ) and so happy shoving there faces full of the white stuff every day!
Note to self...... Google the effects eating snow can have on small children eaten in large quantities on a daily basis....

Its always great fun for me to watch these guys shovel. It inevitably turns into a race of some kind, a weapon of war or some western cowboy's horse. So many different scenarios that churn around and are played out with Haley and Jackson. Jordan and Jacob are on a completely different level, but they too play out entire, day long productions. (mainly of a western theme) These guys have amazing imaginations and create some pretty awesome stuff. I love being witness to all of their creative stories brought to life on a daily basis. Please, no calls or offers from any Hollywood screen writers....

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