" I will declare the beauty of the Lord,
Nothing compares to the beauty of the Lord,
Jesus, Your love, it takes my breath away,
and now I'm living every day,
for the beauty of the Lord."
~lyrics from a favorite song~
Jesus, Your love, it takes my breath away,
and now I'm living every day,
for the beauty of the Lord."
~lyrics from a favorite song~
I love winter and I love winter at HoneyRock. I feel so blessed to live in this community rich with Godly friendships and gloriously rich with the beauty of our Creators creation. I find myself stunned by it and humbled by the complexity of all creation and how small I am in comparison and in the scheme of things.
Psalm 9:1
" I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart,
I will tell of all Your wonders."
" I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart,
I will tell of all Your wonders."
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