It was a beautiful, yet very cold day for their first time on the trails. It was 8 degrees and once again a negative wind chill. We had alot of fun and they did so well. I used to love cross country skiing as a kid and so glad my kids love it too. (they have been 2 more times in the past week.)

They only fell a couple times each and that was at the bottom of a few hills where the trail curved. I was very impressed with how easy it came to them.

We are so blessed to have access to the equipment here at camp. It would be very expensive to outfit a family of 6 with ski's and snowshoes!

The sun was starting to set on our way back to camp and it was beautiful. I love being outside and breathing in clean, crisp air and spending time with my kids, actively enjoying all that God created us to enjoy!

I'm so glad Haley and Jackson convinced me to take them out to ski when I thought I was "too busy." I know how much I enjoy being out on the trails and seeing the joy on their faces when I chose them over monotony was priceless.
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