We loved looking at the rock. There's so many layers and it looks beautiful. This pic dosn't do it justice at all. It offered a great opportunity to teach and converse with the kids about the different kinds of rock and stone.

Haley kept climbing up this very slippery piece of ice to hold on to the rock and then she would try to move her way off of it, just holding on to the rock and trying to get in a spiderman pose with her hands and feet. I guess she was practicing for this summer's many rockclimbing ventures. She was so funny and kept saying,"I sure do wish we had ropes and a harness. We could totally climb this and Case!!! You could belay me back down!!!"

I can't believe how beautiful ice can be!!! We stayed a safer distance away from some of these ones though as there was evidence that some of these enormous chunks had fallen. You wouldn't want to be under one of them if it did fall.....
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