this year, haley was able to attend 2 week residential camp and jackson attended the 1 week session. they both received extreme room makeover's while they were gone. it was so fun, but very tiresome as well considering the sessions were back to back with literally one day in between. they were thrilled.( i will load pics at a later date.) in 2 week res camp, you are able to pick activities you want to work on beginner, intermediate or master achievement levels. haley initially said she was going to choose rock climbing and swimming to earn her basics. she decided after she was at camp, to switch to canoeing and wilderness skills. so she did just that. in canoeing she even had to swamp her canoe! i was pretty impressed with her achievements. she used her skills learned in wilderness skills to teach us a few things on our recent camping expedition. jackson is looking forward to next year when he can work on riflery and biking.
jordan and jacob were little fish down at the waterfront whenever it was warm enough to swim. they're both nearly swimming and it has been entirely self-taught. jacob loves to "dead mans float" and had me on my toes all summer. our time at the waterfront was always fun and eventful, and not really relaxing at all.
we had a great summer getting to know so many new friends that will, no doubt, be back again next year. but we also had to prepare ourselves for the goodbyes. some to people that had been here since we moved here almost 2 years ago. i think that's got to be the hardest part of this life....meeting and investing in new friendships, and then having to let them go. we still wouldn't change it for anything though, and will continue to invest our time, energy, love and life into all that cross our path and come into our lives here at honeyrock .
we also had a huge tragedy happen here, the day after the last camp session ended. alex heidengren,one of the res camp counselors, drowned the morning of the honeyrock summer '09 celebration day. it was a huge blow to the community here. it was extremely hard for haley and jackson the first few weeks especially and even still are dealing with it now. we knew alex and he had been a part of the kids lives this summer on a regular basis. they had dreams a few times and jackson was concerned about" if it hurt alex to drown." yesterday, he was wearing a bandana on his head "like alex" and this morning before school, he prayed for alex's family. it's been their 1st experience with death, but they have been ministered to by alexs' brother, jonathan. he has showed them joy,even in sorrow, true faith and rest in trying times, and peace that passes all understanding. jackson still talks about seeing jonathan smiling and singing "it is well with my soul" while crying. he didn't understand how that was possible at first but i think he understands, the best way that he can, now.
we've claimed psalm 62 many times. "my soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Fortress, i will never be shaken." "trust in Him at all times,o people;pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our Refuge." psalm 62: 1-2, 8
we've claimed psalm 62 many times. "my soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. He alone is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Fortress, i will never be shaken." "trust in Him at all times,o people;pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our Refuge." psalm 62: 1-2, 8
we finished up the summer aug. 21 and we left for a sweet roadtrip out west, aug.27th and just returned home early morning sept.7th. there are many stories of adventure and learning that i will share about soon in some later posts.
thanks for checking in on the ledbetter 6 !!!!
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