....taking riding lessons at the HoneyRock barn getting all ready for the horse show on June 20th....Haley's doing so well and has learned so much and actually is a good helper down at the barn for Becky. They enjoy each other so much!

Becky and Haley

Jacob watching his big sister.

.........helping mommy cook......

.......wrestling at the Three Lakes school on Tue. nights.

Jacob took down this little guy who's way bigger than him.......boy was everyone laughing and cheering at the 3 year old hanging with the actual wrestlers!

.........watching the Olympics. Jackson wasn't feeling to great opening ceremony night but....

.........was ready to cheer as the USA team entered the arena.....such a little patriot!

..........enjoying the beautiful mild winter days we've been having.

So gorgeuos!

I'm so thankful for eyesight to be able to see and behold God's awesome display of love to us through His creation.......I'll never stop being amazed!!!

........hanging out in the dining hall with friends singing and learning new songs on the piano.

........I'm not sure why their laughing at me.......probably my playing!!!!!

.....LUIS!!!!! More pictures?????? ( he was behind the lense at this point)

.......judging a rib cook-off contest with some other HoneyRockers.....YUM!!!!!!

........Haley's looking at baby pictures of herself.......for days.....

.......more Olympics watching.......

........skating on the rink.........so CUTE! Poor little guy's wearing girl skates!

......hockey.......Jackson's pretty good too!

.......getting lots of hugs from friends.......This is Christie......a counselor from last summer.....we became very close this past summer and over this school year. She is an amazing young woman that loves the Lord and He appointed and has blessed this friendship that we have. It's been awesome to see such beautiful fruit in her life and how God is using her. I love you Christie!

..........tubing........this is at ski hill and Jackson is helping get the tubes ready for the group we had in. He loves to help the graduate students work. We are blessed with so many Godly role models in our kids lives.

So much FUN!!!!!

This picture of Jordy makes me laugh........he's having so much fun!

.........silly......as usual, Jacob has many faces!!!

........polar plunging.......

.......well, no Ledbetter's actually plunged, but we helped get ready for the students traditional polar plunge........what a perfect plunging hole Scott Eppler created!

......lit up at night......

........now those are big ice cubes!!!!!!

........Christie at the bonfire after the plunge.

.......warming by the fire........

......playing outside.......Jordy's so happy all the time....

.......more tubing.......Jacob loves going by himself......he's always trying stunts and it scares me....he's so brave and not scared at all....

.......learning in a totally unconventional way.....

......this is so fun!!!!

.......Jackson takes the suggested experiment and goes a step further.....jumping off the playset!

......visiting with friends......Jonathan drove up from Wheaton for the annual broomball tournament against 2 other local camps..... he came over to hang out for awhile.....

......on the fresh ice all ready for the big game.....

......Charlie drove up from Minneapolis for the big game, to volunteer and come to Jacob's birthday....... these kids sure love Charlie!

.......here's Haley with some other camp kid friends......thay have a blast whenever thay get to hang out together.....

....Jacob cheering on the big game.....

HoneyRock and Camp Luther........ HoneyRock remains undefeated......woot woot!!!!
I know this has been a long post, but there have been alot of happenings going on.....so now you know what's been going on......stay tuned for Jacobs birthday post coming soon........he turns 4 tomorrow!!!! My baby is growing up!!!!!
1 comment:
you take great pics! tell your kids we said hi! Oh how we miss HR ...the people and the beauty!
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