hi everybody!
betam conjo.
that means "very beautiful" in amharic. the main language of ethiopia....however,fun fact: there are over 80 different languages in ethiopia! crazy,huh?
ethiopia is betam conjo.
i know it has been a long time since i went to ethiopia, but i just wanted to let you all know how fantastic it was and how it changed my life.
i loved playing with the children and seeing what they did in school and in their daily lives. even though squatty potties were a change and struggle.....
and my mom and i got stuck in a 90+ degree elevator....
i had the best time of my life!
GOD is faithful.
i had a high fever when we first got to ethiopia and at first, i just wanted to go home. i had a fever every night for 3 nights but it went away during the day and i felt normal. i didn't miss anything!
things got difficult when everyone started getting sick, especially my mom... *here's an ethiopian woman watching my mom puke!!!!!!! hahaha! it's funny now but then she was SO sick.
i was around so many people who were so sick and i was so scared i would get it too and that it would ruin the trip.
but GOD came through and answered our prayers and i didn't get sick at all!
it was very difficult seeing so many children in their neediness, but also such a joy to see them in their school uniforms and having their 1 meal a day....
i feel like everyone sees orphans and vulnerable children as sad, unhappy and forgotten.
i saw that they were happy, had friends, and have adults and teachers that care for them and give them knowledge.
most importantly, they have leaders and pastors that come every day, 365 days a year to teach them the ways of GOD.
they are not forgotten. it even says in LUKE 12:6-7,
"are not 5 sparrows sold for 2 pennies? yet,
NOT ONE OF THEM is forgotten by GOD. indeed, the very hairs on your head are numbered. don't be afraid; YOU are
worth more than 2 sparrows!"
not 1 orphan is forgotten by GOD !!!!!!
that is the main thing GOD taught me on this trip.
you may be poor and alone and scared in this world, but GOD will
NEVER forget about you!
to me, ethiopia is rich and we are poor.
ethiopia is rich in love and kindness.
and sometimes, we over here are poor in that.
i'll never forget seeing those faces light up and glow,
so full of joy. i saw GOD shine through them and their leaders.
how they wouldn't stop telling me they loved me.
how desperately they need love and how freely they give it.
how they could quote scripture telling of GOD's love.
and how they would hold my hand and my elbow for 3 hours straight.
thank you!!
thank you for your support of our trip!
me and my mom couldn't have done this without you and your prayers and support.
this trip has changed my life and i am planning and saving to go back.
and to keep going back!
*this is my friend anna and i sniffing eucalyptus leaves because of the horrible smell of manure.
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