
i stand amazed

i stand amazed of our Savior King. 
in awe of our Jehovah Jireh.

we received news at 1:28 today.... after more than a month of waiting and great uncertainty....Ethiopia WILL remain open to international adoption!

from our agency:

"We are thrilled to share positive news from Ethiopia.  Earlier today Minister Zenebu, along with other high level MOWCYA officials, met with agency network representatives.  In this meeting it was clearly expressed by Minister Zenebu that she does not plan to work to stop adoptions, but desires to focus on eliminating bad practice and continue to invest in good practice of Ethiopia adoptions.  She reiterated that neither MOWCYA nor the Ethiopian Government plan to shut down adoptions within Ethiopia, and went on to encourage agencies to continue their work as normal.
We know this news comes as relief for many adoptive families in process.  America World will continue to work on behalf of Ethiopia’s orphans and vulnerable children to place them into Christian homes.  We expect MOWCYA will likely hold more meetings in the weeks to come and will continue to keep families updated with any new information.  We are seeing several regions issue clearances for children to be adopted and are hopeful more will start soon.
America World is in full support of improvements to uphold the most ethical practices in adoption. We care deeply about adoptions operating with integrity and transparency.  We will continue to support MOWCYA in their efforts to implement better parameters around adoption processes and safeguards against fraudulent practice.
We are glad to hear this news today, and know it has been a long few weeks for families since Ethiopia’s first statement about adoptions. Thank you for your perseverance throughout this month. "

the relief and excitement and thankfulness we feel right now is intense.

this past month has been a hard one..... i kind of felt like i did in the weeks leading up to losing our 3rd child, 16 weeks into the pregnancy. 
once again, we found ourselves:
~ praying desperate prayers....waiting for a miracle while preparing for the worst.
~fluxuating between pain that numbed, tears that wouldn't quit coming and  experiencing joy and peace that weren't because of circumstances, but  rather in spite of them.

 God has, once again, worked His will on earth as it is in His Heaven.
and we, once again, have felt His presence guide us and walk every step with us.

so today, I ask that you praise Him with me!
He has done this great work, and His name is to be praised!!!

REJOICE with us and PRAISE His Name!!!


Lindsay said...

we are so happy with you!love the new blog look!

ledbetter6 said...

thanks linz! still miss you bunches and bunches!!!