
Busy, Busy

We have been so busy since coming back home from the cruise. There has been a full day, every day since we've been back.
There has been wrestling, guitar lessons,quilting class, learning to knit, Jacob's 3rd birthday party, leading a kid's program out here at camp, more tubing, new concepts being learned in school, downhill skiing, getting caught up for Bible study class,and there's a ton more things I'm forgetting.
But we are slowing down now with the exception of a few ongoing activities. Days have been full, but so very good. We are so very blessed. Blessed with health and energy, with family and friends, with amazing opportunities that teach us and shape us, with the freedom to teach and learn with our kids at home, blessed with the freedom of living a life, loving and worshipping our merciful God. Life is good.
I found this quote and it made me smile. It's so true. I'm thinking about embroidering it and sharing it with friends.
Thank God for dirty dishes, They have a tale to tell.
While other folks go hungry,We're eating very well.
With health and home and happiness, We shouldn't want to fuss.
For by the stack of evidence, God's very good to us.
Count your blessings, name them one by one.