
New Years Eve Festivities

We burned our christmas tree..... oh what fun!
We had a good size fire going.

Charlie and Jacob in deep conversation I'm sure.Charlie comes M-W-F on his lunch break
to teach Haley and Jackson world history& geography. He's a super big hit with all my kids.

Jordy, Charlie, Jacob and Greg

The community we have here is awesome. Even though people come and go every year, by investing in these friendships and sharing our life with them for the few months they are here, we are better people for knowing and growing with them and will cherish their friendships always. I still have to get used to the saying goodbye part, because I'm not too good with that.
I feel so incredibly blessed to live here, at HoneyRock Camp, sharing life with amazing people that love God and go beyond themselves to make an eternal difference for others.
What better way than to be surrounded by them to start a New Year?

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