
Are You Ready To R-U-M-B-L-E........

We signed Jackson and Jordan up for the Three Lakes district wrestling team. They've been practicing twice a week for about 8 weeks. Here they are doing some of their warmup exercises. Jordan had been pitching a fit about doing one of them. He was just being lazy we thought. But after a conversation with Mommy followed up with another one with Daddy.......
..... Jordy now completes all assigned warmups.... happily and proudly! This crab crawl was what had him. He just didn't want to do it because it was so hard for him and everyone else would finish before him. After our talk, he realized that it didn't matter how fast he finished it, as long as he did his best and finished what he started. He really has gotten really good at it and has fun while doing it. He was intimidated as he is one of the smaller boys in the class, but he now realizes it dosn't matter how big or small he is.... he can do whatever he really sets his mind to do. He needed some encouragement and direction and is now one of the best in his group and even finishes this particular exercise even before some of the big boys!!!

Jacob, watching the matches. He gets out there and wrestles sometimes too...... and when he does, it is really funny to see. He gets really serious!!

Jackson taking down one of his teammates. They all have so much fun. So much fun that Haley could no longer just watch the wrestling. She has been participating the past few weeks........

........ and boy, can she hold her own!!!! Here she is slamming Jackson. I couldn't believe she picked him up like that!!!! It was so funny to watch and although I definately don't want my little girl to become a wrestler, she definately had fun these past few weeks and I'm glad she's learned a few things so she dosn't just have to just "take it" from Jackson anymore!!!!
Jackson and Jordan are in a tournament this coming Saturday morning, so stay tuned......

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